Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ma First Post/Iran

Since this is my first post, I'm just gonna type about the first things that come to my mind. Duck, squirrel, bowl, nuclear explosion, chick in a bikini, hookah, hands (?), hands again. I can't stop thinking about my hands. This is weird. My hands kind of reminds me about the cortical homunculus model and how much of it is dedicated to the hands....anyway....

     So, most of you have heard of Iran. It's a nice little place, situated between the two countries we're currently bombing and is home to the chelow kabob, Hezbollah and very attractive women. I cannot emphasize the last point enough...If only they weren't so stuck up. Anyway, Ahmadinejad has gone from wearing tacky, grey suits to something less evil by pursuing a nuclear program. Iran says its program is for peaceful, nuclear power, but since the technology is dual-use, no nation can definitively state that Iran is developing nuclear weapons. I know what you're thinking, "So what if Iran has nukes, so do a lot of countries. Plus, his suit doesn't look that bad." There are two problems with this. First, the suit looks terrible. It's like he went to the flea market to buy some lint and asked a blind drunk to sew it together. Second, Iran is a member of the Nuclear Non-proliferation treaty. If Iran decides to ever unveil it's nuclear weapons, it would do so against its own word and basically stab the world in the back. Ofcourse, Iran always does have the option of leaving the agreement (which says something about any international agreement :/). I could continue making theories or using old theories about how and why Iran should or shouldn't have nuclear weapons or why it matters or doesn't, but I'd rather hear feedback from others about their opinions on the issue.

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